Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Yılser DEVRIM

Our mission is to research and develop energy technologies that enhance the technology and environment and to educate the students and practitioners on the results of the research.

In our research laboratory, design and manufacture of high-quality materials and components for low and high-temperature PEM fuel cells, production of PEM fuel cell stacks with different power ranges for military and civilian use, fuel cell modeling and simulation, PEM fuel cell reliability analysis studies are carried out.

Prof. Dr. Yılser Devrim was awarded the "Mustafa Parlar Foundation Technology Encouragement Award" in 2019 by the METU Mustafa Parlar Foundation, and the "Nejat Veziroğlu Special Award" by the National Hydrogen Technologies Association in 2022.

Our research group has completed many national and international research projects, especially in TUBITAK and EU.

Our research group has qualified publications on hydrogen production, storage, hybrid energy systems design for green hydrogen production, PEM fuel cell design and production, etc.

Atılım University
Energy Systems Engineering Department
Kızılcasar Mahallesi
06836 Incek Golbası - Ankara - Turkey
Phone: +90 312 586 8811
E-mail: yilser.devrim@atilim.edu.tr
Tel: +90 312 5868892